July/August challenge - Mech Fauna

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CGMythology's Sketchbook (nudity)

23 Mar 2024 12:42 #49674 by Valence
Looks good so far. I really like the sweeping curve of scythe blade in the foreground. It adds great drama and tension to the composition.

I always find it tricky to analyse line drawings seeing as I don't do them myself, but the outline of the right hip into the thigh seems a bit awkward. It may be just my own confusion about where the leg ends and where the clothing begins so perhaps it will resolve itself as you add colour and form, but keep an eye on that bit as you develop it.
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29 Mar 2024 01:56 #49762 by cgmythology
Valence:  Thank you!  Interesting point regarding the hip, hopefully it looks more natural now that it's painted.  Feel free to let me know!

........................... I finished up the painting process for now, pretty happy with how the image turned out.  The approach I used here using the 3D model as reference for the lighting was very successful and required only a small portion of my cunning :D. Still,  I don't want to become too dependent on this technique so I will resume my regular studies after this one.   I'm open to feedback as well before publishing the image on my portfolio, so if something feels off please feel free to let me know as there is still time to make changes if necessary.  Below is the current preview followed by the steps for those interested:



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29 Mar 2024 11:55 #49763 by Charlotte
If anything, I think maybe I'd make the area under the arch a bit darker to make his face pop a bit - as it is his hair and his clothes stand out but his face blends a bit into the background...

Any an all misspellings are henceforth blamed on the cats.
The following user(s) said Thank You: cgmythology

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30 Mar 2024 13:34 - 31 Mar 2024 22:52 #49772 by cgmythology
Charlotte:  Great point!  Just implemented that input and it works much better now, thank you!


I received some excellent feedback on the image and just updated it, did my best to improve it and I feel like it's a very solid update to the image.  Works much better now IMO.  I think I'll call it done for now unless there is something major off that needs rectifying, so if that's the case please feel free to let me know.  Below is the update:   

Edit:  Updated the image slightly and calling it final.  I will celebrate by... napping.



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30 Mar 2024 13:41 #49773 by Charlotte

Any an all misspellings are henceforth blamed on the cats.
The following user(s) said Thank You: cgmythology

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04 May 2024 13:06 #50131 by cgmythology


I took a break from anything art related for about a week as I had a bad case of burnout, almost to the point of having a mental breakdown to be honest.  I need to learn to take it easy sometimes and I need to allow myself to takes breaks every now and then so I'll be more conscious of this in the future. I've completed several studies before the break, mostly of primitive shapes based on references and some movie still studies all from Batman movies (huge fan of the character and movies!). Here they are:  










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04 May 2024 13:07 #50132 by cgmythology
I thought I would also give myself a break and illustrate something fun for Mermay as it's a tradition I paint a mermaid every year to celebrate this event and I always have a blast with it.  I finished a sketch, the figure is based on a pose from JookPubStock as well.  Tried to tell a bit of a story with this one, hopefully I was successful in that regard.  Any feedback on the sketch before I begin painting it in would be most appreciated!  



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08 May 2024 15:47 #50165 by cgmythology
I painted the image.  Initially I was going for a darker feel but I decided to go with bright and colorful as well to make the image pop.  Overall I'm quite pleased with how it turned out, and I'm open to any final input on the image so if something feels off please feel free to let me know!  Below is the illustration followed by the steps for those interested.




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08 May 2024 16:56 #50166 by Valence
Terrific work on the water! You can really feel the energy of those waves and the big splash. :)
I think the neck looks a little too long in the final. Which is odd cos it looked OK to me in the sketch. It's strange how perception of proportions can change when everything is blocked in. :dumb:
The following user(s) said Thank You: cgmythology

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11 May 2024 06:30 - 26 May 2024 00:54 #50182 by cgmythology
Valence:  Thank you!  Great point about the neck as well, just fixed it!...........................I updated the illustration, incorporated much feedback and did some minor tweaks here and there.  Also added rain but kept it subtle as I don't want it to flatten out the image too much.  I think I'm calling this one done for now unless there is something major that is off, so please let me know!  Below is the illustration:  


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