July/August challenge - Mech Fauna

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CGMythology's Sketchbook (nudity)

19 Nov 2022 17:11 #42989 by cgmythology
I did some final changes to the image.  I tried to improve it as a whole especially in regards to the values as they weren't coming across as strongly as I would have liked.  Hopefully this is a good improvement as I'm calling the image done for now! 
 Next up I started a new illustration.  I had a strong reference for this one from Jessica Truscott that I recently bought from ArtStation, so I tried my best to recreate the general pose as well as the structure she's standing on.  The hardest part was getting the balcony shapes right surprisingly.  Below is the sketch, any feedback would be welcome before I begin work on some quick color tests!   

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19 Nov 2022 17:44 #42991 by Charlotte
The woman looks lovely but I'd say the balusters need a bit more work, including the one to the upper left. They do still look a bit wonky...

Any an all misspellings are henceforth blamed on the cats.
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20 Nov 2022 05:42 #42997 by cgmythology
Charlotte:  Thanks, I just refined the pillars a bit, hopefully it works better now!

.............I updated the linework a bit and did some quick color tests.  My personal favorites are the last two, E and F.  I'd love to hear any input on which color palette works best so please feel free to let me know which one you dig the most!  Below are the color tests: 

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20 Nov 2022 09:19 #42999 by Charlotte
I think any one of them would work fine :)

Any an all misspellings are henceforth blamed on the cats.
The following user(s) said Thank You: cgmythology

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29 Nov 2022 13:40 #43119 by cgmythology
Charlotte:  Thank you! :)


I ended up developing version 'F' and it evolved naturally to a more vibrant color palette.  Made some changes to the composition as well which hopefully improved the image.  The illustration is pretty much done I think, quite pleased with this one.  Of course any final input is welcome, so if something feels off please feel free to let me know!  Below is the final image followed by the steps for those interested.




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30 Nov 2022 18:27 #43142 by Valence
Lovely texturing on the stone and the dress. :thumbup:
The only thing I'd tweak is to maybe darken the underside of that plane where it meets the top of the pillars to add a bit more form and dimension to that whole area.
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02 Dec 2022 09:50 - 02 Dec 2022 09:50 #43166 by cgmythology
Valence: Thank you, glad you appreciate those details!  I agree about the plane on the pillars, just darkened it.  It's a minor tweak but you can view the update on my official website if interested.


Time for a new illustration!  I was browsing Pinterest and stumbled across this  photo  which I loved, so I wanted to do my own take on it... something a bit more darker in theme.  Below is the sketch, any input before I begin painting would be appreciated! 

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05 Dec 2022 14:32 #43212 by cgmythology
I finished up the image!  The painting process went very smoothly thankfully, and I'm pretty satisfied with how the illustration turned out.  Of course I'm open to feedback, so if you feel something is off please let me know!  Below is the final image followed by some steps for those interested!




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05 Dec 2022 14:48 #43213 by Banj
Her tail is under the water but the larger ripples around her knees* look to be under her, which doesn't really make sense. It could maybe do with a bit of subtle colour variation on the surrounding rocks, maybe a bit of green washed over some for moss or algae to break up the flat grey. I like the lily pads, although similar to the ripple problem mentioned there is one to her left that looks like it is beneath her instead of above and overlapping.

*I'm still going to complain about knees on mermaids... every... time    (even your reference image does away with the knees).
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05 Dec 2022 15:29 #43215 by cgmythology
Banj:  Great input!  I'll take a little break from this image and might revisit it to implement your feedback... except for the knees 


Time for a new illustration! I finished up a sketch for 'Lady Atlas', pretty pleased with how it turned out.  Figure was referenced from  here .  Tried my best to recreate the general pose while coming up with a fairly simple character design, as I want her to appear fairly nude.  Any feedback before I begin on some color tests would be highly appreciated!  Below is the sketch.



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