June challenge - Film Noir Poster

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27 Dec 2022 22:07 #43605 by Charlotte
Replied by Charlotte on topic Gaming
I have now given in to curiosity and downloaded that file, opened it and.... it does not contain furniture.

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27 Dec 2022 22:12 #43606 by Valence
Replied by Valence on topic Gaming
Sorry. :(
I did add another link to nexusmods in that post. I don't know if that one's better or worse. :shrug:

Meanwhile my Witcher Fixing is at 66%. :eyeroll:

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27 Dec 2022 23:01 #43607 by Charlotte
Replied by Charlotte on topic Gaming
well the preview image has the word furniture on it, and all those words look like clickable links but I'm not sure what that means. That file is also from 2011, though...

Meanwhile, I continue to be confused... (might be because it's past bedtime....)
I think I'll have to decide on whether I should keep my notes on the backs of other notes (paper) or in a computer file and if so which program, as I now have notes spread over four different places (counting bookmarked websites as one).

Sleepy time, for now, though. :zzz:

Any an all misspellings are henceforth blamed on the cats.

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27 Dec 2022 23:21 - 28 Dec 2022 01:30 #43608 by Valence
Replied by Valence on topic Gaming
Been having a nosy around Creation Kit again.
I can filter objects by name (like candle for instance) and this provides the following list, they're all classed as Statics again, but as you can see it doesn't list the Form ID. :shakefist:

However it does seem to give you the code when you hover over selections. :shrug:

EDIT: Woohoo!
Geralt has got his extra 15-20fps back and the textures don't look worse any more. :)
Sadly the launch window is still there, there's an occasional bit of stuttering when entering a new area and I don't recall the shadow pop-in being this noticable. But maybe that was there before and I didn't care about it then. :lol:
Or maybe I just have to tweak some more settings after it reset them all again. :shakefist:

Edit2: Death Stranding continues to be enjoyable and I had a full hour of gameplay this time without the long explaining cut scenes of previous days. It's by far the most realistic walking experience in video games. Just getting across a small river or up a bumpy hill is quite the challenge with that ...erm... package on your back. I felt quite tired for him when I finally got to the top of that ridge. :)
And then the game told me how to manually save ... Which obviously meant that the scary, dangerous stuff is coming. :eek:

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28 Dec 2022 11:38 #43609 by Charlotte
Replied by Charlotte on topic Gaming
I'm not sure what the icon means at the far left but anything with those icons seem to not be accessible via console. "Static" I think just means it's an item the player cannot interact with - so it won't move if you run into it, you can't pick it up, it has no container or anything, but I'm not sure it means you can't spawn them via console. They do seem to be the ones where the code is hard to find, though.

I've spawned some items that shouldn't be pickupable, which were, when spawned.... But they disappear when you pick them up. I spawned a mudcrab (dead) to see if I could shrink it and use as décor in my aquarium section, but the collision box of the mudcrab didn't shrink or move so I had to "pick it up" and of course that removed my cute little dead one in the fishing net on the wall, too... :dry:

Furnishing by console seemed like a cool idea but it does come with a truckload full of limitations and issues.
* Many things are non-collidable (though if they're meant to be clutter you might prefer that since you won't accidentally kick them away)
* Most "active" items don't work when spawned, such as bookshelves, fireplaces, cooking pots...
* Collision boxes and the interaction trigger (E + text) stay where the item is spawned even if you move the item, which is why you need to try to stand exactly where you want the thing to be. I'm considering spawning some things outside of the house and then just moving the item to the inside... But maybe that'd cause issues in turn...
* Finding the codes can be a pain. Either it's impossible because you don't know the item name, or the lists are so long you can't PgUp far enough to see the ones you want. (E.g. "table")
* And when you do get a list of 20-30 codes you have to spawn each item in, look at it and try the next one, to find out exactly what they are because the descriptions aren't always accurate and never specific. (Three items called "bookshelf" can be three of the same model, or three entirely different ones...If the numbers are very similar, only differing in the last digit, they're probably copies of the same model.)
* And more I can't even remember, right now, I'm sure. :stare:

Any an all misspellings are henceforth blamed on the cats.

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28 Dec 2022 12:53 #43612 by Valence
Replied by Valence on topic Gaming
The collision thing also makes me wonder how NPCs would react around eveything, particularly external changes. As well as all the visual parts of the map there's also an invisible network of triangles called the NavMesh which guides the pathfinding AI.
Even some of the proper mods don't get this right. My Riverside Lodge mod house has several areas around it where followers get stuck to the point where it's better off to tell them to wait on the other side of the river. :)

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28 Dec 2022 14:16 #43614 by Charlotte
Replied by Charlotte on topic Gaming
Well, if you put in a shelf and the NPC decides to stand in the shelf I guess no harm done. Unless you've placed stuff in the shelf which they then proceed to kick out of it :paranoid:

I did come up with a way to "plant mushrooms" in the basement, yesterday, by placing a bowl on one of those built in shelves (that look like they're meant for coffins) and then a mushroom "tree" item in the bowl. I'm not sure yet if the tree will regrow after harvest, though, and there's always the risk of accidentally picking up the bowl... but it looks kind of neat...

I did try enlarging a bowl to see if it could look like a bath tub and I guess it could, but you can still pick it up or knock it over... so it might not be very practical. Though I guess if I can spawn it out of reach and then move it to where I want it, hmm... no, the bowls were among those items where the collision box DID follow the item when moved. It's just not scaled with the item.

It's confusing that all things seem to act differently. :dry:

Any an all misspellings are henceforth blamed on the cats.

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28 Dec 2022 14:21 #43616 by Banj
Replied by Banj on topic Gaming

Unless you've placed stuff in the shelf which they then proceed to kick out of it :paranoid:

The experience of owning cats 

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28 Dec 2022 15:36 #43617 by Charlotte
Replied by Charlotte on topic Gaming

Any an all misspellings are henceforth blamed on the cats.

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28 Dec 2022 21:28 #43624 by Charlotte
Replied by Charlotte on topic Gaming
Now why is there a giant right outside my house? :stare:

I read somewhere that if your steward gets a cow a giant might spawn and kill the cow, but I have neither steward nor cow so the giant should stay away!

Any an all misspellings are henceforth blamed on the cats.

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