June challenge - Film Noir Poster

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22 Jun 2024 14:48 #50730 by Charlotte
Replied by Charlotte on topic Gaming
Because someone couldn't read the 0/O on their co-worker's post-it note? :hmm:

Any an all misspellings are henceforth blamed on the cats.

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22 Jun 2024 18:02 #50733 by Valence
Replied by Valence on topic Gaming

I liked it (despite Microsoft's attempt to sabotage my enjoyment during the first half), but I didn't enjoy it as much as the original. There are individual set pieces and details that are pretty cool, but I never felt properly invested in anything that was going on in the same way I did with the original. Where I loved the combat in the first game, this one felt annoying and frustrating at times. 

EDIT - Meanwhile in Starfield, why is the heal button 0, yet the repair ship button while piloting is O when they are contextually the same function? 

There's a heal key? :dumb:
But is there a fractured skull key???
The health packs seem to be mapped to the first Down slot on the DPad so that's how I try to not die whilst still being in constant pain.

Yeah, I thought the original Hellblade was a lot more personal and as such the experience had a lot more resonance. But I thought the way that the sequel forced her to interact with others was really well done. Instead of the player having to understand her you had to deal with her trying to get the companions to understand and trust her. I do think that the first three chapters were a bit narrow in their scope and at that point  I was worried that I wasn't going to like it at all but the second "half" of the game felt much bigger and more imaginative.
And as someone who doesn't really care for complex sword-fighty boss-battle games, the combat differences didn't bother me. In a way, the more rigid 1v1 fights felt more real and less video-gamey and at the times when I was failing (as I often do :lol:) it really gave you the feeling of a small woman being overpowered by a bigger and stronger man rather than the usual more abstract experience of fantasy boss battles.

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22 Jun 2024 18:50 #50737 by Valence
Replied by Valence on topic Gaming
I got my Nascent Indrik from the vendor in Craglorn. :stare:


Now I need to work out which evolution I want and which feathers I'll need for that and then work out what time of year they're available. :S

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22 Jun 2024 19:14 #50739 by Charlotte
Replied by Charlotte on topic Gaming
Seems like way too much thinking required. :dry:

Any an all misspellings are henceforth blamed on the cats.

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22 Jun 2024 19:19 #50741 by Valence
Replied by Valence on topic Gaming
It's just another one of those MMO scams to keep you playing all year round. :aha:

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22 Jun 2024 21:15 #50742 by Banj
Replied by Banj on topic Gaming
It took some doing, but I done did it  I built my own ship.


Now I have to struggle to make a load of storage boxes for everything and try and fit them all on one level because the game wont let you go up and down ladders in decorate mode 

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22 Jun 2024 23:23 #50743 by Valence
Replied by Valence on topic Gaming
Oooh, I'm impressed. :aha: :thumbup:

Meanwhile back at the Med centre...
Yes, Russian doctor. I'll take one of those please. :stare:

Aaah, the relief. I can relax in the cockpit now and travel to- Oh, wait. Someone's hailing me from another ship. :S

What? My ship's warranty has run out? Really? :paranoid:
Really?? :evil: :pirate:

Anyway after that I travelled to a place and did a mission and... it was hard. :pout:
And only now have I noticed that the spacey map thing has a little number that tells you the suggested level you should really be at for certain planets. And for this one that number was too, too high. :giveup:
But I survived, thanks to too many med packs, and at the end of the shootout I killed the final baddie by foolishly running up a very long and exposed stairway to hack away at the super high level pirate leader who was repeatedly picking me off with long shots from the high vantage point. It was a last resort and a desperate act that took a crazy number of swings of my psychopathic axe to cut down that well-armoured health bar. It was worth it though cos I got a rather good, sci-fi shotgun with a surprisingly rapid fire rate which may compensate for my poor shooting. :)
And I also looted a cat toy. :excited:

Sarah thought it was junk but what does she know?

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23 Jun 2024 07:51 #50744 by Charlotte
Replied by Charlotte on topic Gaming
Spacecat! :woohoo:
But I doubt it was the axe that was psycopathic...

Banj: But can it FLY? :confident:

Any an all misspellings are henceforth blamed on the cats.

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23 Jun 2024 11:10 #50745 by Valence
Replied by Valence on topic Gaming
Don't worry. If it can't fly he can always fast travel from it. :P

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23 Jun 2024 11:49 #50746 by Banj
Replied by Banj on topic Gaming

Banj: But can it FLY? :confident:

She may not look like much, but she's got it where it counts kid.

I had to make some alterations to it later for contraband reasons, so it now has slightly lower jump range and storage capacity than it did before   but it now passes scans that it shouldn't pass 

I really wish the ship builder didn't decorate the interior with pointless junk and left it as an empty shell. I want space to put storage crates down, but it's taken up with boxes and junk that don't actually do anything and can't be removed. Like the fact that they stick a kitchen area in one module, but it doesn't actually do anything other than occupy space that could be used to place an actual food crafting bench 

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