June challenge - Film Noir Poster

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16 Jun 2024 11:55 #50655 by Charlotte
Replied by Charlotte on topic Gaming
:dry: :eyeroll:
Endless difficulties...

Any an all misspellings are henceforth blamed on the cats.

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16 Jun 2024 12:29 #50656 by Banj
Replied by Banj on topic Gaming

That was a Hellblade thing rather than a Starfield thing so he knows all about it already. :)

And in Starfield I may have to switch to a gun as my sneaky psycho axe is becoming more difficult to wield in these bigger fights. :(
And, while searching online for something else, I've finally found that the game does actually have a cover system after all. That was one of the reasons I felt more comfortable with the axe. But unfortunately the cover system only works in first person mode. :shakefist:

Yep, I do 

Play first person games in first person  (I doubt that would make it any easier, the key bindings in the game are terrible, almost as bad as the inventory management <insert long winded rant>)

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16 Jun 2024 13:17 #50658 by Banj
Replied by Banj on topic Gaming
I may have solved some of my Starfield issues by moving it to my other drive 

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16 Jun 2024 22:13 #50660 by Valence
Replied by Valence on topic Gaming
Is that a third-person drive? :dry:

Anyway let me sneak in some sidequests before returning to-

Sarah Morgan disliked that.

And how did she even know I was doing that anyway? I told her to wait outside where she couldn't see.

Sarah Morgan disliked that.

She's almost as bad as Cassandra in Dragon Age. :eyeroll:

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16 Jun 2024 22:29 #50661 by Banj
Replied by Banj on topic Gaming
Sarah Morgan "You can do whatever you like and I don't care."
*does stuff*
Sarah Morgan didn't like that.

I find myself missing Lydia, she got in the way far less and was useful in combat. Sarah Morgan just jumps in front of me every time I shoot at someone and does virtually no damage to enemies that she is so desperate to attack.

Also, all the NPC conversations get very confusing at times when they are standing looking at you but talking to someone else, and the person they are talking to replies to them by looking at you and responding. I would rather they stuck with the old Skyrim method of people just standing around in a group than the jarring sudden close ups.

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16 Jun 2024 23:22 #50662 by Valence
Replied by Valence on topic Gaming
You can switch off the Oblivion-style dialogue close-ups in the menus. The Accessibility one if I remember.
And with me playing in third-person mode the conversations look pretty much like they do in Skyrim.
Except for the constant idle animations of the main character flexing their shoulders and stretching their neck. :S

It's odd how Sarah never seems to get into the train yet still manages to fast travel with me. :hmm:
At least she carries some stuff.

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16 Jun 2024 23:28 #50663 by Charlotte
Replied by Charlotte on topic Gaming
I think, after reading your "reviews", that I will definitely hold off on getting Starfield. Maybe 10 years or so, like I did with Skyrim? :hmm:

Personally I haven't had any time for gaming as I'm still trying to wrap my head around all the modding stuff. That house I edited in Blender? Apparently it was only available to me because it was already edited by another mod (the SMIM one). So when I wanted to edit something else, I couldn't find it. Weirdly enough even though I HAVE seen something similar in my game so if it's not in the skyrim.esm it should be available through a mod. But I guess it's a mod that uses bsa? And I don't yet know how to extract stuff from those things. And again, weirdly enough, even discussions about editing the meshes never seem to mention how you get hold of the meshes in the first place :shakefist:

Anyway, I decided to just move on with lessons and write a list of stuff I want to do but can't do yet. :dry:
I do now have a functioning door. :dumb: :aha:

Any an all misspellings are henceforth blamed on the cats.

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16 Jun 2024 23:46 #50664 by Valence
Replied by Valence on topic Gaming
Despite the gripes I am still enjoying Starfield, especially the moments when I don't have to get involved in shooting. :lol:
The fast travelling becomes less of an issue the more you play as the game is designed around it. It's just a bit of a shock at first as you expect to be able to fly around more. But they really should have some kind of animated transition instead of load screens. That's the thing that continues to irritate along with the fact that they don't really explain a lot of the game mechanics leaving you to search things online for yourself, something that always annoys me. I still have no understanding of how the crafting works even though I've started a couple of sidequests that require it. :dunno:

As for your mod issues? Your knowledge is now far beyond mine. Faaaar beyond. So any advice I try to give will be pretty useless. :)

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17 Jun 2024 11:43 #50665 by Banj
Replied by Banj on topic Gaming
It's not a terrible game, it's just nothing special.

I did spend a large part of yesterday playing it. The performance issues I had initially were entirely because I installed it on my hard drive instead of my SSD, so that is all fixed.

So far it's all very bland and samey. Same enemies in the same combat set ups. Samey looking planets with the same resources to zap with a lazer. The same creatures running around the planets. The same number of hours in a day regardless of which planet you are on   
Warning: Spoiler!
was interesting, and could potentially have looked cool if they had bothered to do anything with the lighting instead of the flat bland global light that covers everything everywhere. There was one fairly fun moment when I picked a lock somewhere. So there is good stuff buried in the tedious blandness of dullety. I suspect that some side missions and open world discoveries are the most interesting part, you just have to trip over them.

The space stuff feels tacked on and largely pointless, and made me miss playing Elite Dangerous which does a far better job of it.
0 for healing 
Terrible UI design, inventory management,  (being over encumbered because a load of items only show up when you go to the all items category but don't show under miscellaneous  ). 
Idiot NPC followers that dive in front of you while you are shooting and complain about getting hit   just so they can start shooting at the person you were about to kill and do no damage to them.

I did say it isn't terrible though 

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17 Jun 2024 12:04 #50666 by Charlotte
Replied by Charlotte on topic Gaming
You did say that...

And since you mentioned samey creatures etc, that's an issue with No Man's Sky too. They're sort of auto generated I think, so they don't look exactly the same on two planets, but if it's the same kind of planet it will have the same kind of flora and fauna and minerals (and the developers don't know the difference between rock and mineral so each mineral on each planet has its own unique name even though it's the same chemical composition, i.e. mineral.... Anyway, the flora and fauna becomes repetitive very quickly and then once in a while you see something you haven't seen before, like flying cuttle fish or something. But overall the insectoids look similar between planets, the carnivores look similar, etc etc....

Any an all misspellings are henceforth blamed on the cats.

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