July challenge - Mech Fauna

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01 Jun 2024 21:45 - 01 Jun 2024 23:02 #50444 by Valence
Replied by Valence on topic Gaming
I'm trying to get those three "things" for the phial in Skyrim but no matter which one I try to get to first there is always (ALWAYS) a really high level dragon when I get there.
And they keep on killing me. Even Brelyna's nuclear fireballs aren't helping.

It's becoming quite frustrating. :pout:

EDIT: Aaaaaaargh! :shakefist:
I've settled on trying to fight it in Ivarstead half way up the mountain. Again. I get my Daedric bow with my best Daedric arrows, poison those arrows, drink a true shot potion, put on the archey ring, wear the firewalker necklace to give 70% fire resistance in addition to the added resistance from my Helmet of the Unburned and up we go...
It arrives earlier than last time.
We all hit it a few times. I take a few health potions. I get in a critical shot and finally we're getting its health down but there's nowhere for it to land. :eyeroll:
It eventually managed to find somewhere to crash down further up the mountain so up we go again...
I switch to the Ebony Blade and hack at it and then as it clings on to the last few pixels of its health bar it munches down on my head! :rage:

I've had enough of this now. 

Let's have a quick play of something else before a sleepy film.

EDIT 2: OK, I had one more go. :oops:
This time it spawned later where the troll usually is (but wasn't there today) and thankfully the Ancient Dragon couldn't reach us and just flew off. :cheer:
And don't come back. :stare:
So after a lot of shouting at the sky again I now have the special snow.

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02 Jun 2024 03:13 #50445 by Charlotte
Replied by Charlotte on topic Gaming
I do hope you didn't attack Mr Paarthurnax...

Any an all misspellings are henceforth blamed on the cats.

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02 Jun 2024 11:15 - 02 Jun 2024 11:31 #50447 by Valence
Replied by Valence on topic Gaming
Definitely not. :nope:
But he does insist on talking to me whenever I get too close.
I don't want a chat. I'm just sneaking past to get the special snow. :eyeroll:

No, it was an unnamed Ancient Dragon that annoyed me. They just do too much damage with their attacks. It was not enjoyable.

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02 Jun 2024 11:29 #50448 by Charlotte
Replied by Charlotte on topic Gaming
Never get in close with a dragon, keep using the bow... Otherwise they insist on eating you.

Any an all misspellings are henceforth blamed on the cats.

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02 Jun 2024 16:23 #50459 by Banj
Replied by Banj on topic Gaming
Or just stand there and hit them with a sword 

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02 Jun 2024 20:10 - 02 Jun 2024 21:18 #50463 by Valence
Replied by Valence on topic Gaming
Or wait for a horse to fall on them. :dry:


Poor horsey. :(

Couldn't find the rider though. Maybe he survived and walked off. :shrug:

But I now have the mammoth tusk powder. :thumbup:
First of all I got it by being sneakily quick with the Slow Time shout. But then later on got killed by fake soldiers. It seems like everyone is a high level these days. :eyeroll:
So after a reload I had to get the special stuff again but this time the giants seemed to know what I was doing so clubs were swung. Brelyna skulked off on one knee to recover while Arissa disappeared. She may have been launched into space? :hmm:
Anyway I got the stuff, Brelyna survived and Arissa eventually returned. :)
So now I just need the Briar heart thing from a Forsworn camp. No doubt they'll be a high level too.

EDIT: Well some of them were high level. Including the big bad guy. And I had to do it all by myself cos followers don't follow very well around that Red Eagle place. Too many rocks in the way. Too many steep slopes. "Thankfully" they both reappeared only after I'd done the quest and come back out of the first cave. :eyeroll:
But then I couldn't find a "path" that they would take with me back to the roads so I ended up having to fast travel to the nearest location on the way. And I hate having to fast travel. :pout:

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03 Jun 2024 17:03 - 03 Jun 2024 17:34 #50467 by Valence
Replied by Valence on topic Gaming
ESO update. :eyeroll:


EDIT: Big update. :whistle:

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03 Jun 2024 17:35 #50468 by Charlotte
Replied by Charlotte on topic Gaming
I noticed something for eso on the steam store.... about 30 euro if I remember correctly. I think it was new... so maybe related to the update even if it's pay only.

Any an all misspellings are henceforth blamed on the cats.

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03 Jun 2024 17:49 #50469 by Valence
Replied by Valence on topic Gaming
Yeah, it's a whole new chapter called The Gold Road.
The download wasn't too big but it's going through the full 90GB patch application which is taking ...ahem... some time. :dry:
I'm glad I didn't start this later but I guess nothing else is going to get done today. :shrug:

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03 Jun 2024 22:33 - 03 Jun 2024 23:14 #50474 by Valence
Replied by Valence on topic Gaming
It did finish eventually. :S
And now the game folder is 107GB. :argh:

So I got to do my daily crafting and endeavours and then switched to Dragon Age.

And, while exploring the new region I'm in, I tried out my Jar of Bees! :pirate:
Sadly it didn't go very well. I think I went too early with it before the fight had actually started and it didn't seem to have any effect on the baddies. It was so ineffective that I thought I must have pressed the wrong button and aborted it but when I checked again it wasn't in my inventory any more. I'd only crafted one cos I don't really have a lot of the necessary materials. :oops:
I'll try again next time after I've collected/bought more of the "stuff". :aha:
After that we wandered off and completed a couple of quests, discovered some new places and...
Warning: Spoiler!

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