July challenge - Mech Fauna

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24 May 2024 21:26 #50329 by Valence
Replied by Valence on topic Gaming

Picking off your enemies from a safe distance is the wise thing to do. :aha:


Yeah, but I was hoping some kind of stabby assassin would join us so that I could learn how to do that properly without wasting any of the main character's skill points. :lol:

And I've long since given up on trying to get that statue of Dibella to remain motionless anywhere at all so I'm probably not the best person to advise on clutter placement. ;)

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24 May 2024 21:52 #50330 by Charlotte
Replied by Charlotte on topic Gaming
I can't remember having any problems with any dibella statues... :dry:
But one thing is - you can't remove one item from a desk or a shelf and then place something else there because the old item will probably spawn back in and upset everything. I keep using console to delete stuff instead of picking it up but I'm not sure that works in the end either. Not sure why I keep spending so much time on rearranging things like the arch-mage's quarters since as soon as I move on and don't vist for 10 in game days it'll probably be a complete mess anyway. But on the other hand... Who the heck needs FIVE seating arrangements??? (and no desk, no baths, no kitchen...)

Hopefully I'll feel finished soon and then I can take some screenshots to at least save all the work in some fashion... :shrug:

Any an all misspellings are henceforth blamed on the cats.

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25 May 2024 18:43 #50334 by Banj
Replied by Banj on topic Gaming

But on the other hand... Who the heck needs FIVE seating arrangements??? (and no desk, no baths, no kitchen...)

An Arch Mage?

And Talisman appears to be free everywhere as it's also on Steam and the DLCs are going cheap on Humblebundle 

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25 May 2024 19:17 #50337 by Charlotte
Replied by Charlotte on topic Gaming
Not MY arch-mage. Though I think it's weird for the player to become arch-mage at all - as you become it even if you're not on a mage play-through.... :dry:

Any an all misspellings are henceforth blamed on the cats.

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25 May 2024 19:20 - 25 May 2024 19:21 #50339 by Banj
Replied by Banj on topic Gaming
I am him. I am leader of everything 

EDIT: I also live out of the same house I started with, so I don't care about how the other places I own are furnished (which is why several of them are empty) 

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25 May 2024 19:46 #50340 by Valence
Replied by Valence on topic Gaming
Just been doing a Thieves' Guild quest in ESO (not very well, it has to be said, but that's another stabby story. :dry:) and at one point during the quest (I don't know which point exactly) somebody somewhere (I don't know who or where they were exactly) proceeded to describe what I was trying to do in the chat window. :blink:
There really is nothing weirder than other players. :lol:

And in that other game I think I may have worked out why Cassandra has a drink problem with her potions. We've all been levelling up as we go and while I take some effort to choose what to improve on the main character, for all the others I usually just click Auto-Level. And I'm now wondering if I've been giving her gear/weapons that don't suit her special moves/skills that have been automatically levelled. :hmm:
Gonna have to take a moment to check that out next time... which will be in a few minutes when it loads. :)

It's hard enough dealing with your own inventory/skills without having to worry about three (or more!) other people as well! :eyeroll:

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25 May 2024 20:16 #50342 by Charlotte
Replied by Charlotte on topic Gaming
Were they amused or did they try to explain to you what you SHOULD be doing? :dry:

Any an all misspellings are henceforth blamed on the cats.

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25 May 2024 20:54 - 25 May 2024 20:55 #50343 by Valence
Replied by Valence on topic Gaming
I don't know. It was just one long message and it was like they were describing their thoughts while watching me. Maybe they were writing a little story of their observations in the chat. I really don't know.
Unfortunately I didn't notice it at first so I don't know exactly where it happened or where they were hiding while snooping but they were obviously sneakier than me. :lol:

... I think I may have worked out why Cassandra has a drink problem with her potions...

Yes, I was right!! :cheer:
She needed a sword and shield combo and I had foolishly given her a two-handed claymore. :facepalm:
She couldn't do her special blocking moves and was suffering because of it. All has now been corrected and my potions should start to last longer.
I also think I have enough materials to start crafting some armour now after a little hunting spree. But my inventory is getting ever closer to that 60 point/slot limit. And I don't know how this game deals with the dreaded over-encumbrance. I'd better google it before it happens at awkward moment.

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26 May 2024 21:44 - 26 May 2024 21:44 #50345 by Valence
Replied by Valence on topic Gaming
Another fighter has joined our party! :pirate:
And this time it's a swordy chap! :woohoo:
Well, sword and shield again. Which means all these two-handed weapons I'm carrying are pretty useless. :(
And my inventory is creeping up to the 60 slot limit again. :pout:
I cleared it down to just over 30 last night by turning in my research (after I found the Irish-sounding elf woman who doesn't seem to like me any more. I think I said the wrong thing in that last conversation. :S) and by selling my "Valuables" (I thought you were supposed to keep "valuables" but the label just means that you get a good price when you sell them. :shrug:)
Apparently you can increase the 60 limit up to 90 with some Inquisition perks so I'll look into that the next time I'm at the War Table. Until then... I guess I'll have to sell some equipment and hope it's not going to be needed by anyone else that joins up later. :S
More good news is that Cassandra is no longer using up all my potions, especially with the help from other swordy guy. So now it's usually just me and Solas that has to take them. And now I'm looking at him, Solas has pretty poor health stats. I wonder if I've neglected to give him something. :hmm:
Of course I could leave him behind in favour of taking the dwarf or the mouthy elf girl but he's the only mage I have and I like having his magic attacks whistling past my head at the baddies. And I also like switching to play as him sometimes when just walking around exploring. :)

Oh, and... I met the horse master chap. :aha:

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27 May 2024 20:24 #50350 by Valence
Replied by Valence on topic Gaming
So I left Solas and his weak health stats behind and went off searching for the apostates camp with a group of shooty rogues.... and quickly found out that the magic chap did a lot of good work with barrier spells that I didn't notice before. :oops:
Wow, there certainly seems to be a lot of apostates here for this fight. :S
Potions have all gone. :(
People are dying and I'm running round reviving them and then they're dying again. And I'm trying to shoot while doing it and now everyone's dead except me. :cry:
And my health is down to one tiny little bar with two apostates closing in. :argh:
Oh, that invisible, shadow sneaky thing. Yes! Press Y.
I'm safe for a few seconds. They can't see me. :cheer:
I retreat, on my own, to some higher ground and peek round a tree. Should I risk continuing the fight?
Yeah, why not? Explodey arrow! :pirate:
I got one of them. :)
And now the other one knows where I am. :(
So now I spam the weak, fast shots and hope one of my powers recharges before he gets here....
...come on...
Yes! Deadly long shot! Press X.
And he's dead. Phew.
Now I can revive everyone again. :dry:
And as a group once more we can push on to the apostate camp past this- Oh, wait. There's some kind of magic barrier. That can only be broken by a mage. :facepalm:
That'll teach me to leave Solas behind. :eyeroll:

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