July challenge - Mech Fauna

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10 Nov 2022 12:35 #42876 by Charlotte
Replied by Charlotte on topic Gaming
I think it's my first. I might have come across Mai'q before and just found he had nothing much to say and moved on? Not sure. Not sure what he was doing in the middle of nowhere, either... :dry:

I think my Nord will be allowed to remain neutral for as long as possible, but my Bosmer might not. Not sure - she might hate all sides. Currently she hates the imperials and runs around in that woman's armour, who decided she was going to get decapitated (and decapitated second) in spite of not even being on their list! And yes, the different viewpoints are each quite convincing, at least early on.

If Farkas is a companion I probably did see and talk to him. Just can't remember it. :) And now I have no idea who Arcadia is. Sounds more like a place, though. :dumb:

Any an all misspellings are henceforth blamed on the cats.

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11 Nov 2022 20:48 #42899 by Valence
Replied by Valence on topic Gaming
Got dragged into a big jousty type of fight today even though I didn't really want to (Ooooh, help the rebels, help the rebels!) and while I was helping the random rebels someone killed my horse while I was riding it! :ohmy:


I was tremendously annoyed. :pout:
Of course there are plenty of horses around so it's not a big deal...


...but that's not the point! :stare:
Anyway I then hired one of the local mercenaries to help me take out a big hyena gang...


Pspspsp, come on mercenary. :lol:
I found him in a swampy area attacking a crocodile by jumping on its back and seeing as he won the fight convincingly I thought he might be useful. :)
And he was. We killed a few men and a lion as well as the hyenas. :thumbup:
Then when I got to the little village for my reward I couldn't resist seeing if he got jealous when I stroked the other cats. :giggle:



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12 Nov 2022 11:57 #42901 by Charlotte
Replied by Charlotte on topic Gaming
I can see what he's thinking there...: "They've got nothing on me. Hmph"

Any an all misspellings are henceforth blamed on the cats.

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12 Nov 2022 23:10 - 12 Nov 2022 23:11 #42906 by Valence
Replied by Valence on topic Gaming
I have now entered Windhelm... ...and immediately experienced that lovely Nord hospitality. :lol:
I didn't punch that guy... yet. But I think I will later. :hmm:
And they have different words to the Ulfric song. :cheer:
Part of me wanted to interrupt and announce that actually the song should go like this... but that might have resulted in a bit of anger and violence so I kept quiet. :paranoid:

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13 Nov 2022 10:56 #42907 by Charlotte
Replied by Charlotte on topic Gaming
I played my more magey-thiefy character again yesterday. Cleared out Bleak Falls Barrow again.... that is such a looooong barrow :dry: anyway, I mostly only had time for that and to fast travel back and forth three times think, to get most of the loot out of there. I left a few things as I can't be bothered to go back once again.

Fire attacks seem mostly more effective than I thought, though one still has to keep out of harms way and it's a bit tricky with multiple attackers. Maybe I should have tried it at a lower level with my more warriory character... :dumb: The attacks seemed rather pitiful when she did them. Still not sure about using scrolls/spells, though. I still think they take too much time in the middle of battle. Not that I've actually tried it with this character. Perhaps I'm just failing in releasing them... :unsure:

With this particular character I want to pilfer more, too, though and I haven't really dared that yet. The not-stealing-other-peoples-stuff is fairly deeply ingrained in my backbone, I can't even do it to computer game NPCs... I obviously need to practice! :pirate:

Any an all misspellings are henceforth blamed on the cats.

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13 Nov 2022 12:59 #42908 by Valence
Replied by Valence on topic Gaming
I loved Bleak Falls Barrow! :)
Although I have only been there once with my single character. I thought it was one of the best opening quests of any game I played. I was fully expecting it to be a simple loot-the-body fetch quest like the ones that you get at the start of Morrowind but...
Warning: Spoiler!

Once I'd been through all that I knew right then that I was gonna love this game. :)

I still don't do much magic though, despite going to college. :dry:
On my quick menu I just have the Detect Life spell to aid my sneaking. And I've only used scrolls once, and that was for one of the college quests.

In other game events, I ended up not having time for my Saturday movie after Trials kept making me have Just One More Go on a particular track.
But I was soooooo close to getting the Platinum medal time. Sooooo close. 

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13 Nov 2022 14:32 - 13 Nov 2022 14:33 #42909 by Charlotte
Replied by Charlotte on topic Gaming
I think it's a great start too, but I've been through it at least three times in like a couple of months :P

:ohmy: No Saturday movie!?

Actually I didn't get around to any movies either, though I considered Enola 2. Maybe today. :dry:

Any an all misspellings are henceforth blamed on the cats.

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13 Nov 2022 20:59 #42910 by Valence
Replied by Valence on topic Gaming
Warning: Spoiler!

But anyway, enough of him, I'm not here to talk to you yet, I'm off to see someone else. And here he is. I have a delivery for you. Yes, that potion you wanted. Oh, thank you for that payment. And now, I'm just going to leave the room for a minute, change my clothes, and I'll be back to pickpocket you for that valuable item the Thieves' Guild wants. :lol:

Right, here I am again in my full thievey outfit: armour, boots, gloves, hood. The full set. Crouch. And sneak.
Peep round the corner.
Wait for him to walk around that far table.
Now approach.
So close.
I can almost smell the loot. (Or is that something else. :dry:)
Pickpocket?  says the prompt.
Damn right, I say.
My finger hovers over the "E" key and gently lowers down and just before I press it...

He says, "You're a terrible sneak. You're not creeping up on anyone like that."

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13 Nov 2022 21:14 #42911 by Charlotte
Replied by Charlotte on topic Gaming

Any an all misspellings are henceforth blamed on the cats.

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13 Nov 2022 21:50 #42912 by Valence
Replied by Valence on topic Gaming
I am hiding.... in his shadow! :woohoo:


Now pick that pocket...

Got it!
Now run. Run.
Come on, Arissa. Come on, Brelyna. (who are both hiding through that door.)
Guard casually says, "You don't fool me. You're in that Thieves' Guild, aren't you?"
Of course I am! I'm wearing the full outfit and I'm running away from you!! :lol:
*gets outside safely*
Phew! That was fun, wasn't it, Arissa? Brelyna? Where is everyone? :dunno:

Oh, yes. I told them both to wait in that corridor. Of course I said, "Come on!" out loud to both of them but I didn't actually say it... In The Game. :oops:
It'll be fine if I go back in to get them. :unsure:
I'll just change clothes again. :)

PS. And... And... I was doing some more stealing in a different place and found one of those stones! I just suspected that they'd have one upstairs. :aha:

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