June challenge - Film Noir Poster

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10 Dec 2022 18:43 #43299 by Valence
Replied by Valence on topic Gaming
After finishing the story of Fallen Order the other day I realised that I only had 50% of the achievements so...
I didn't bother going back cos I don't want to struggle to fight all those baddies again. :lol:

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10 Dec 2022 18:48 #43300 by Banj
Replied by Banj on topic Gaming

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10 Dec 2022 19:11 #43301 by Charlotte
Replied by Charlotte on topic Gaming

Any an all misspellings are henceforth blamed on the cats.

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10 Dec 2022 22:36 #43302 by Charlotte
Replied by Charlotte on topic Gaming
Oh dear...
I've been waiting forever to get into a certain person's house to talk about a certain item and in spite of game guides saying it should be unlocked between 8 am and 8 pm it isn't. So I kept reading stuff and... I think I sent the wrong man to prison with my other character... :ohmy:

Well, I've waited almost 24 in game hours. Now that dratbag will have to wait for me, while I go sleep. :stare:

Any an all misspellings are henceforth blamed on the cats.

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10 Dec 2022 23:55 #43303 by Valence
Replied by Valence on topic Gaming
That doesn't sound familiar. :hmm:

Meanwhile I'm still not in Riften yet! :woohoo:

Nearly though.
I've been on a long walk down there and I'm taking Ria with me. She's one of the Companions and always likes to talk about the time she killed a bear as if that's really impressive so I thought I'd show her a proper adventure. :pirate:
And we ended up ...erm... killing bears. :dry:
Well, it didn't start that well as we all got surprisingly killed by some fake soldiers and she wasn't very helpful. After that failure I thought she needed a bit of an upgrade on her normal equipment and spent ages trying to get her to wear some armour that's better than that basic scaled stuff she has. I went through half my portable wardrobe until she finally accepted some heavy-ish imperial stuff. And I gave her some better arrows and we set off to try again. :pirate:
And some successful killing-without-dying occurred.
So the long walk to find that much-needed nirnroot proceeded. Found quite a few around Ivarstead, which was satisfying, particularly that one guarded by the troll (tell me about that battle next time, Ria! :))
And is that one I can hear ringing over there past those rocks? Come on, let's go see. I know it's night-time and dark but I'm sure we'll spot any danger before- Whoa!


Yep, that's not nirnroot, that's an enormous cliff. Everybody back off, nice and safe now away from the edge. 
After that near calamity I decided to double back and take the safer path with fewer massive waterfalls. I was still just one short of the twenty as I was getting closer to that farm and I was starting to think that maybe I could just take one after all. They wouldn't miss it. :oops:
I took the little turn off to the side, over the bridge and... An orc came charging at me. :eyeroll:
And this turned out to be one of the trickiest one-on-one fights I've ever had. Yes, I said, one-on-one: Arissa had decided that the bridge was too narrow for both of us (it wasn't!) and so she just watched behind me shouting encouragement and Ria was- Where the hell was she? :dunno:
So I fought on my own and we were both doing the one-handed shield-block thing and he was pretty good at it too and also had some top quality Ebony gear. I was hitting with the stun and the power attacks and he was coming back with his own power attacks and I was certainly levelling up my blocking as the fight continued. Both of our health bars were going down but mine was always staying ahead of his thanks to that early shout so I thought I'd just be patient and wear him down. Then when he had just a few pixels left I sprinted and started the special jumping move and he stepped back out of range and... and... Healed himself!! 
There's just something soooo annoying about baddies that heal themselves. :pout:
I had to back off to have a breather and let my own health get back up.
I then switched to my Ebony Blade and my maxed-out two-hand skills. :stare:
It still lasted longer than I would have liked but he's dead now. :aha:
I turned back to Arissa, who was still just watching, and I ...shrugged at her angrily. :shrug:
And Ria? Where the hell was she?
I backtracked off the bridge and discovered that instead of walking over it she'd run down into the water and was under the bridge. I walked down to angrily shrug at her too but I saw her standing next to... some nirnroot! :excited:

All is now forgiven because I no longer have to steal from the nice people at that farm. :)
To Riften. :pirate:

Oh, and I found a stag that didn't run away from us. :woohoo:
Want some food, Mr Stag?


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11 Dec 2022 09:42 - 11 Dec 2022 09:43 #43305 by Charlotte
Replied by Charlotte on topic Gaming

I can't shrug angrily :(
Lydia shrugs at me from time to time. When she's not yawning, coughing or talking to me while we're trying to hide or sneak...

I can't reach out my hand towards wild animals either, as far as I know. 

And oh, I did try to equip two pickaxes and left/right mouse button worked but then when I started pick-axing I reverted to using one and hanging one on my belt.... :dry: 

Any an all misspellings are henceforth blamed on the cats.

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11 Dec 2022 12:36 #43309 by Valence
Replied by Valence on topic Gaming

I can't shrug angrily :(
I can't reach out my hand towards wild animals either...


That's all from a mod. It has no effect on gameplay or interaction but I like it cos it just feels better to be able to make gestures and wave your hands at people when you're angry. :lol:

Did you just press E to use the pickaxe? It is a bit quicker if you attack the rocks like you do with the bad guys.

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11 Dec 2022 14:18 #43310 by Charlotte
Replied by Charlotte on topic Gaming

Any an all misspellings are henceforth blamed on the cats.

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11 Dec 2022 14:19 #43311 by Banj
Replied by Banj on topic Gaming

I can't reach out my hand towards wild animals either, as far as I know. 

It's probably safer not to 

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11 Dec 2022 15:33 #43312 by Charlotte
Replied by Charlotte on topic Gaming
Wise words.

Today I tried to heal Lydia as she rushed into a fight with several mages, and when she had killed all of them she killed me too. :? :cry:

Any an all misspellings are henceforth blamed on the cats.

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