October challenge - The House

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Adventures across the 3rd dimension

27 Mar 2024 19:10 #49741 by Charlotte
Spookyrituals and phretzels :aha:

*not at all sorry for not downloading the models*

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18 Apr 2024 12:18 - 18 Apr 2024 12:18 #49976 by Banj
For anyone that downloaded the Reallusion base models (and may have used an email address that means they don't get update emails ), there is an update to them that fixes some stuff...

Dear user,
In lieu of our ongoing efforts to offer a better user experience, we are pleased to announce the latest enhancements to the CC character bases:
1. Removal of unnecessary vertex movements from the facial expression data set.
2. Resolution of some lingering skin weight issues on the bone rigging.
You can download the improved character bases from the following link:


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14 Jun 2024 21:29 #50631 by Charlotte
I really hate trying to understand Blender.
I tried importing the farmhouse most similar to my interior in Blender and the building is "fading" (rather abruptly) into the grey background unless I am super zoomed in (and if I am super zoomed in I can't really see to DO anything...) but I can't find much about how to change it. There's something about camera settings in the manual (but as usual no explanation of where the heck the camera settings are) that might work, but since I can't find the settings in question :shrug:

I should probably just finish the last few minutes of Frankie Drake and then go to bed. :pout:

Any an all misspellings are henceforth blamed on the cats.

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14 Jun 2024 22:10 #50632 by Valence
Is it only disappearing in the camera view?
If so it's probably the clip start/end values in the camera tab...


Set the end number to a bigger value and see if that helps.

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15 Jun 2024 09:30 - 15 Jun 2024 11:08 #50634 by Charlotte
Found it, tried changing pretty much any and all sliders and nothing made any difference. 
As for "only disappearing in camera view" I have no idea what you mean by that :dumb: - It's disappearing from view, period. :dry: 
It looks like this when I open the file (object window, but also edit window)

Edit, looking at the house again it IS huge. Like 1 m in Blender is like 1 cm on the house. But I tried setting the camera range from 1000 (the initial "end" value) to 10,000 and I saw no difference. Maybe I should try scaling the whole thing down. 

Edit 2: scaled it down and now it is indeed easier to work with. Though it'll take a whole lot of work before I can test it out and see if my new model crashes the entire CK... :dry: 

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15 Jun 2024 11:21 #50635 by Valence
You get the camera view by pressing 0 on the numpad and this shows the perspective view you'll get when you render. You can also toggle the perspective view by pressing 5 on the numpad.
By pressing other keys in the numpad you can get orthogonal views from above or from the side/front.

(At this point I should state that I know you're on a laptop and that you don't have a numpad. There's a setting in the preferences that lets you reproduce the numpad keys with normal number keys. Also I think you can get the orthogonal views by clicking on the little axes in the top right corner? Maybe?)

Anyway the clipping/limits issue usually only happens during those perspective views. Looking at that image it does look like the house is in perspective so try switching to the different views to see if it helps.

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15 Jun 2024 11:44 #50637 by Charlotte
I have a numdap! Pad! :dumb: But I don't use it much... I usually just click the widget in the upper right to turn my view like I want it while I work, and I never render... :dry:

(and like I mentioned in my second edit, scaling it fixed the viewing issue. I just have to remember to scale it up again or I'll end up with a dollhouse in Skyrim...)

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15 Jun 2024 19:05 - 15 Jun 2024 19:06 #50646 by Charlotte
It didn't crash the CK, though I need to do some texture mapping... and learn to edit terrain, but that IS part of the exterior lesson. I also got like a million error messages so I didn't dare save anything in the CK today, I just made a new farmhouse and replaced the mesh with my own, to see if it'd work. No idea about collision at this point... :dry: 


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15 Jun 2024 20:19 #50647 by Valence
I'm impressed! :aha:
The following user(s) said Thank You: Charlotte

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16 Jun 2024 10:59 - 16 Jun 2024 11:02 #50653 by Charlotte
I fixed the texture mapping, I think. And I also think I made the house smaller this time than yesterday but it does look the same size in game so I dunno... :shrug: And I realised that those million errors was from loading the exterior vanilla cells and no fault of mine, so that's good too. I have now dared save my building in the world and will continue with the tutorial...

Oh and I took a look at the Nexus regarding Karthwasten changing mods and there are a few... :dry: But I guess I'm primarily doing this one for me and for learning and it might never be uploaded anyway. I'd hate to be asked for "patches". (I wouldn't know what to do... :dumb: )

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