July challenge - Mech Fauna

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29 Oct 2022 20:45 #42707 by Charlotte
Replied by Charlotte on topic Gaming
That one looks a bit more tanned than the ones I had issues with before retreating. But I had like 5 of them wake up at once plus one of them summoned additional help. :stare:

Well, considering the time I should probably call it a night. :dry: Just... a bit more.... Fringe, maybe? :hmm:

Any an all misspellings are henceforth blamed on the cats.

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29 Oct 2022 22:09 - 29 Oct 2022 22:18 #42710 by Valence
Replied by Valence on topic Gaming
Not just tanned. They're "Hulking". :confident:
And shouty.
And quite good at blocking my axe. Back to the Ebony Blade then.

The story then continued...


Oooh, some pretty loot! 
Some pretty, pretty loot! :excited:

I just HAVE to take that!

Doh! There's a trap. :facepalm:
And I almost killed both of us. I knew that floor looked funny.
But it's OK, we're still alive. Just.
And I've got the loot!


Draugr Deathlords! :pout:
Sooo many Deathlords.
And then a Death OVER Lord! :argh:
Don't think I've seen one of those before. :dead:
Try to weaken him with some arrows first.
3.0x Sneak shot. :rock:
And is that the chanting song of a word wall too! :)


And how am I supposed to open THIS door exactly. :dunno:
Is my friend gonna help?
OK, then.
And now what...


Warning: Spoiler!

Gonna have to stop it there for next time.
Just too exciting. :)

PS. And I'm still no closer to visiting Windhelm. Maybe in a couple more weeks time. I am trying to get there. Honest.

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30 Oct 2022 14:46 - 30 Oct 2022 14:49 #42718 by Charlotte
Replied by Charlotte on topic Gaming
So, uhm... Lydia and I had to fight a thing and uh... she's still crawling around on all fours. I tried to give her a healing potion and I tried to use my healing powers and then I accidentally zapped her with sparks instead and her health bar is full. But she's crawling. :dry:

I've tried entering a door and it didn't help. I ran out again and no change. :dunno:

Edit: we also killed that thing and the people all around still talk as if it needs to be killed. :hmm: I think maybe I'm stuck in a glitch. 

Any an all misspellings are henceforth blamed on the cats.

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30 Oct 2022 15:17 #42719 by Valence
Replied by Valence on topic Gaming
Fast travel somewhere.

Or tell her to leave then fast travel to Breezehome to see if she's there.

Or reload the previous save.

Or... :hmm: shout at her? :dry:

Not sure about that last one but some people claim it works. :shrug:

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30 Oct 2022 15:56 #42720 by Charlotte
Replied by Charlotte on topic Gaming
Well I lost her entirely as she didn't follow me out of a building, so I ended up reloading a save. And she walked out as if nothing ever happened. :stare: (Even though the save was actually after she got "lost".)

I've decided to try to stay on Solstheim until done with the area, so no fast travelling... well, not outside the island but probably within it. Now that you mention it, I did fast travel back to the main "city" to see if she's appear. She didn't. That's when I reloaded.

Currently I'm somewhere I'm apparently supposed to be later. So I guess I'll pick up my gathered loot, or at least as much as I can in one go, and ... fast travel for a bit...

And it's so dark out! Stupid "daylight saving" :shakefist:

Any an all misspellings are henceforth blamed on the cats.

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30 Oct 2022 16:40 #42721 by Charlotte
Replied by Charlotte on topic Gaming
And now the fast travelling seems to have glitched out... I loaded back in the "city" and .... those little tips that are on the load screens keep coming, I can''t move, no keys work and Lydia is nowhere to be seen. Again.

Any an all misspellings are henceforth blamed on the cats.

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30 Oct 2022 17:32 #42722 by Valence
Replied by Valence on topic Gaming
Are you still in Solstheim and unable to get out?
Google suggest that there is a know issue about this although I obviously haven't experienced it.

Try opening up the console and typing "coc whiterun"
Or maybe windhelm instead if that's more appropriate.

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30 Oct 2022 17:49 #42724 by Charlotte
Replied by Charlotte on topic Gaming
I was never unable to get out - I said I decided to stay until I had finished the area... but it might take forever :P I doubt I'll have the patience. But I'm always afraid of loosing stuff if I leave it outside of my own house so I guess I need to at least stay until I have a home. Which i *think* you can get but I'm not certain... :dry: Don' want to google too much :)
(Although I just did google something. Which, just like with the previous thing I googled, turned out to be dependant on a quest I don't have yet.)

Any an all misspellings are henceforth blamed on the cats.

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30 Oct 2022 17:58 #42725 by Valence
Replied by Valence on topic Gaming
I meant the fast travel, infinite loading screen thing.
There does seem to be an issue that some people have that results in them being unable to fast travel back from Solstheim.
I thought that was the problem. But if not then just carry on as you were. :)

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30 Oct 2022 18:46 #42728 by Charlotte
Replied by Charlotte on topic Gaming
oh that, no I fast travelled within Solstheim. And I just shut down and restarted the game, tried again and it worked. And along came a dragon... :blink: The old one's skellington had only just disappeared...

Any an all misspellings are henceforth blamed on the cats.

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