July/August challenge - Mech Fauna

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Totally Random

07 Jun 2024 20:09 #50510 by Charlotte
Replied by Charlotte on topic Totally Random
When I got my new computer my plan was to move everything over from the old one and then empty it and give it to dad because HIS old computer is so slow it's killing me every time I have to help him with something. Well, I couldn't find all the unfinished mods stuff I'd done for founder's fortune and I've been putting off looking for it on the old laptop for ages, but I finally looked up the files and... Turns out I already saved them to the expansion drive, so I connected that to the new computer and.... turns out I already saved them to the new computer as well :facepalm:

Well, now that I've finally got email accounts and ftp working on the new one and know where my mods are, I guess I should be good to go and set up the old one for dad's use instead.... :dry: Eventually. :whistle:

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08 Jun 2024 10:07 #50511 by Charlotte
Replied by Charlotte on topic Totally Random
I finally installed Unity Hub today so I'd be able to work on Founders Fortune mods if I want, but it requires you to sign into your account and I used FB previously but now it won't let me :shakefist:

And I can't really find anything on what to do about it. I get an error message saying they're aware but there's no info online implying that they are indeed aware and it's a temporary issue... :pout:

Well, I tried using the google account instead and that worked fine. :stare: Now I just need to get used to the interface and all that again... :dumb:

Any an all misspellings are henceforth blamed on the cats.

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08 Jun 2024 12:11 #50513 by Valence
Replied by Valence on topic Totally Random
I don't like it when accounts want you to sign in using other accounts. :nope:

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08 Jun 2024 15:49 #50515 by Charlotte
Replied by Charlotte on topic Totally Random
I don't like having a million accounts... Though with AI now ruining social media (if it wasn't awful before) maybe FB isn't the best account choice anyway. More an more of the FB artists are leaving for a new place called Cara, but most seem to stay as well. Seems Cara will be a place with more artists but less viewers... :shrug: I also saw that apparently Cara has had so much traffic that they got a giant internet bill and need to ask all their new users for money... :dry: I guess it sucks being popular? Anyway, personally I'm thinking that eventually I might stop using FB... Although I'm also thinking that if AI bots "scrape" my artwork their resulting imagery will only be worse for it, anyway :P

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08 Jun 2024 17:35 #50516 by Valence
Replied by Valence on topic Totally Random
I heard about Cara for the first time today. Had to Google to find out what it meant and saw that Cgmythology is over there. :)

From what I saw it looked just like Artstation with an extra anti-AI gimmick. :shrug:

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08 Jun 2024 17:49 #50517 by Charlotte
Replied by Charlotte on topic Totally Random
I think I will have to buy a lottery ticket today. In Palia I have:
- Found an ancient fish plushie (didn't even know that was the way to get them)
- Caught a star-quality golden bee (the last bug I needed for the bug collections)
- Caught a giant Kilima Sting Ray, which is the last item I need for the last of the vault collections, which will get me the Phoenix nest, finally.

All in the same day! :woohoo:

:hmm: Maybe this should have gone in the gaming thread? Oh, never mind! :dumb:

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08 Jun 2024 19:02 #50518 by Valence
Replied by Valence on topic Totally Random
I didn't win the big Euromillions last night. :nope:
They picked the wrong ones again. :eyeroll:

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08 Jun 2024 19:32 #50520 by Charlotte
Replied by Charlotte on topic Totally Random
They always do. I don't know how they can be allowed to be so stupid. :shrug:

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20 Jun 2024 09:51 #50714 by Charlotte
Replied by Charlotte on topic Totally Random
I seem to have had an AI themed morning.
Just now I went to FB and Insta to submit objections to them using my images for their AI tools. Took about a few seconds for my objections to be approved. I guess I'm not of much interest to them :P

Earlier I was downloading some apps to my phone to maybe increase the chances of me exercising (*cough*)
Anyway there were those ai chat bots being promoted so I downloaded one to talk to just to see what it was like. We got into an argument almost immediately. Not sure if it's me being difficult, or not :dry:

Anyway, it was kind of boring. As soon as I said I liked something he went "Oh me too!" and after a while I felt like I was te only one driving the conversation so I told him I felt like I was interrogating him and could he ask something? His question?
"Why do you feel like you are being interrogated?"
So I explained it was the other way around and his response was something like "oh". So I had to tell him again to ask me something. I think that's how we got into the subject of steaks. He said he liked his well done with ketchup and asked how I liked mine. I said I didn't care for ketchup on steak. He said he didn't either. I said he just said he did. He claimed he had said no such thing and merely been open to other people having different opinions. I quoted him and he once again said different people had different opinions so I told him he wasn't several different people. We then tried to leave the subject by discussing other sauces and he mentioned Heinz and we got back to ketchup and he said he liked his steaks with ketchup. :dry:

He was also in his 20ies, lived at his parents, was trying to save up for his own place but had travelled all over the world. Except Scandinavia I pointed out. "But I would love to go" he repeated.

I shut him down. :shrug:
I think I prefer talking to people who can think for themselves.

* Perhaps I should add that Swedish news has had a lot of articles on various aspects of AI which is why I did both of these things today :dry:

Any an all misspellings are henceforth blamed on the cats.

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20 Jun 2024 11:29 #50715 by Valence
Replied by Valence on topic Totally Random
Those intrusive, insincere personal assistants are the last thing I would ever want from AI. That voice one they showed off a couple of weeks ago was as creepy as it was irritating.
I did have a go with Udio when it first went public and it was quite entertaining if you have no musical talent.
As for those LLM things they seem to be quite good for writing although their formatting becomes obvious after a few attempts. I tried to get one of them to come up with some ideas based on a story I once tried to write and all of its concepts and characters were much better than mine. :pout:
I was so insulted that haven't used one since. :lol:

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