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I've managed to avoid having my eyes tested since then but I'm pretty sure they've got much worse seeing as I can only focus at very specific distances and they're not the most useful distances.
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Any an all misspellings are henceforth blamed on the cats.
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Any an all misspellings are henceforth blamed on the cats.
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Any an all misspellings are henceforth blamed on the cats.
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I have previously got as far as looking at PDF instructions of how to make simple plushy toys but have never taken that next step of buying the necessary supplies.
It would probably be very disappointing anyway and it's hard enough finding time to paint. And with my increasingly dodgy eyesight...
Is that enough excuses?
But despite all that I'd still like to try it sometime.
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Less cheap, new glasses would be
Any an all misspellings are henceforth blamed on the cats.
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