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Totally Random
TIL that "soap operas" are so called, not because they're kind of sleazy or slippery but because they were shows that were once funded by soap companies and contained adverts for...soap.
Any an all misspellings are henceforth blamed on the cats.
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Any an all misspellings are henceforth blamed on the cats.
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I also made sure I still had my docs and I did. But now I don't. And of course they're no longer on the external drive. So that's everything on my health and my website, and my notes on everything and a bunch I don't even remember and all my art.
Maybe I can reinstall the cloud and it's still in the account or something. Or maybe it's all lost. And SO sick of this shit. (And yes, it seems I am going to have to reinstall Skyrim, Wrye Bash, Creation Kit and all mods from scratch since I don't know what works and what doesn't, anymore...)
Can I kill someone, please?
Edit: Well, guess what? It wasn't quite that bad. Apparently OneCloud saved all my documents in another folder instead of in my documents, when I tranferred them to MY DOCUMENTS. Stoopd onecloud But at least I found them all. I think.
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And I'm really good at remembering which file is stored in what folder on which particular drive.
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Any an all misspellings are henceforth blamed on the cats.
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A bit.
Since then I have separated my ArtRage Paintings and videos into separate folders.
And everything else... sort of goes into random unorganized folders.
That's why I need to be good at remembering where they are.
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Any tips on how to change it? It's not in preferences, as far as I can see. (Though it's hard to tell when all text is so small I can't read it )
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Are you using the classic interface with the pods?
In the older versions if you right click on the bit that lets you move the pod/menu it gives you an option to scale it.
Not sure if it's still there in this version though.
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I can probably work with it this way: I already know where most things are. But it bugs me that it looks like the resolution is different than the rest of the screen (or whatever determines the size).
Any an all misspellings are henceforth blamed on the cats.
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