July/August challenge - Mech Fauna

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My fresh new webpage

04 Jun 2017 07:32 - 04 Jun 2017 08:06 #16421 by Geir
My fresh new webpage was created by Geir
I have revamped my old webpage with a fresh new wordpress look, new content an a promise to myself to keep this alive with new works and the odd blog article about whatever I feel like writing :cheer:


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04 Jun 2017 07:34 #16422 by Geir
Replied by Geir on topic My fresh new webpage
I have no idea why the link looks like it does. I used the link function.

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04 Jun 2017 07:43 - 04 Jun 2017 07:44 #16424 by Charlotte
Replied by Charlotte on topic My fresh new webpage
maybe the two http's? :)
EDIT; by the way I think you can just post the url and not use the link function and the site will convert it to a link anyhow :)

Any an all misspellings are henceforth blamed on the cats.

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04 Jun 2017 08:07 #16425 by Geir
Replied by Geir on topic My fresh new webpage
Jupp, that was it. I didnt see that. Odd though, as I simply followed the function.

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04 Jun 2017 08:10 #16426 by Charlotte
Replied by Charlotte on topic My fresh new webpage
Yeah, but usually the fill in box has the httpalready and if you copy paste the url you need to paste over what's in the box. I guess it's made for people who just type in the url and start with www... :)

Looking at your page now. Looks clean - I'm a little confused by how the scrolling reveals different images :P But I'll get the hang of it soon!

Any an all misspellings are henceforth blamed on the cats.

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04 Jun 2017 08:39 #16427 by Charlotte
Replied by Charlotte on topic My fresh new webpage
OK, I've been through the entire page and I think the layout/presentation as well as the pictured works are beautiful. I love your woodwork and how some of the knife sheaths look like caterpillar cocoons :)
But there's always a but ;)

There's no contact info that I can see!? What if someone wants to HIRE you! or buy something... There's also no info on whether items are available, private, already gifted or sold... or a price range or anything.

Also, it's not as important but when you click a link such as Pictorial Art, you get to one page but you have to hover over the same link again to get to the sub categories. Perdsonally I suggest you include the subcategory links on the main page of each category for people like me who tend to click a bit too fast for hovering :P

Any an all misspellings are henceforth blamed on the cats.

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04 Jun 2017 11:30 #16428 by Geir
Replied by Geir on topic My fresh new webpage
Ta for the feedback. All good tips. Some is planned to be fixed.
1. "I'm a little confused by how the scrolling reveals different images " Can you elaborate this? Not really sure what and where you mean.
2. I have added a contact form under "the story that is me", but I see I will have to make a seperate page for contact info.
3. I know I should put in more info about each piece, and are planning to do so. Its just so tidiouuuus :P
4. Sub categories. This was one of the things I wanted to test out by launching it before doing it. But yes, I might have to add the links on each main page. How would you wish to see it, and how would you want it to function?

Another thing. What do you think about the layout on the inspiration article?

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04 Jun 2017 11:39 - 04 Jun 2017 11:39 #16429 by Charlotte
Replied by Charlotte on topic My fresh new webpage
1) It's the inspirational article that reveals different parts of images while you scroll. I like it, but I also keep trying to scroll to see more of the image :P

2) oh oops totally passed me by somehow :blush:

3) Yesh! I really wanted more info on each piece of work!

4) I think if it was me, I'd just put in text links at the bottom of the main/blurb category page... But you might want to do something prettier :D

Any an all misspellings are henceforth blamed on the cats.

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04 Jun 2017 11:54 #16430 by Geir
Replied by Geir on topic My fresh new webpage
When it comes to that article I use photos of books with other artists, and it suits me fine that one cant save or copy those images. Also they are just for illustrations. But I do see what you mean. That effect did irritate me a tad when first seeing it on other pages, but I have gotten more used to it now so that it doesnt bother me.
In articles that is about my own pieces, there will be a lightbox viewing like you see in the WIP article. I will also by the full version of that lightbox when I get some more income, and as I have understood I will then get a zoom function wchich might add some coolness to it :)
Jupp, it might have been a bit dum of me to launch it before all that info was put in. But its a rather huge job since lots of these pieces are either packed or sold. So it involves so much more then simply wirting the info. But it will come :)
Not sure really how I want to solve the link issue. But yes, I do want to keep it a clean layout. So I might do som more design work for that part.

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04 Jun 2017 11:54 #16431 by Geir
Replied by Geir on topic My fresh new webpage
Great feedback btw :)

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