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CGAN Caricatootles
By popular demand (that is, demanded by me and kazky) this here is a joint thread for posting caricatures in a kind of no commitments, no strings [strike]and no nonsense[/strike] sort of way. You can make all caricatures at once or space them out or only try one or two. They don't need to be super finished, they can be sketches and you're free to try whatever style strikes your fancy. But by the end of the year, wouldn't it be cool to have done them all!?
Now, in order to not just rip off em...'s Facebook group's January Caricature challenge , I figured I'd try to set up our own list of 12 characters for you to try. I also figured since we're all mainly sci-fi and fantasy geeks, that the caricatures could be of book or movie characters rather than specific actors, with the freedom to use actors who've played the part OR actors you think should have played the part. Preferably both the character and the actor (if applicable) should be recogniseable in some way
If this is popular and you run out of people to draw you can always suggest additions to the list. I have no experience whatsoever in making such a list, after all, and I hope you won't find it terrible... It'll probably be terribly cliché, though...
Suggested victims 2017:
1. Princess Leia (Star Wars)
2. Harry Potter (Harry Potter, duh)
3. Doctor Who (like above except not Harry Potter)
4. Littlefinger (Game of Thrones)
5. Gandalf (or Merlin, take your pick)
6. Lafayette (True Blood)
7. Scully (X-files)
8. Feyd-Rautha (Dune) or Spike (Buffy the Vampire Slayer - they're sorta similar)
9. Snow White (fairytale, Once Upon a Time, Disney, Snow White and the Huntsman or any other version)
10. Modesty Blaise (comic or movie)
11. Melinda May (Agents of Shield)
12. Aladdin (fairytales or Once Upon a Time or Disney...)
Just ripping off Caricature resolution on Facebook for more ideas 2018:
Any an all misspellings are henceforth blamed on the cats.
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Any an all misspellings are henceforth blamed on the cats.
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(I was sketching from some reference photos but grew tired of that - I have no patience - and started doodling with the ink pen instead. I rather like how it turned out even if it's not a super likeness...)
Any an all misspellings are henceforth blamed on the cats.
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And I admire anyone who can successfully use the Artrage ink pen. I just end up with a horrible mess!
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Any an all misspellings are henceforth blamed on the cats.
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I'd like to see some harder edges to his face and maybe a bit more softness to areas of his hair
Any an all misspellings are henceforth blamed on the cats.
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Planning to use this as a base for the painting though, as I paid a bit more attention to her face... I hope #2 is better than #1... Caricatures are hard...
I tried to google Leia caricatures to see how others did her face, but either google isn't very reliable (can that be!?) or people don't know what a caricature is. Lots of cartoony or disney princess style Leias out there. And lots of caricatures where the head is mostly realistic, only attached to a tiny body. I might be wrong but I think a caricature should distort the face by making the most "typical" features of a person more pronounced... So they look more like themselves than they do for real, sort of
Any an all misspellings are henceforth blamed on the cats.
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