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Modo 17.1 release
It can allegedly be downloaded by anybody from this page:
A 10 year node locked license downloadable from here:
Release notes:
PDF User guide:
Offline HTML docs:
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Got a bit confused.
Gonna have to watch some tutorials.
Also it seems the Octane renderer needs another account.
Oh, and I didn't understand what all that Content 1, Content 2, Content 3 stuff was.
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Octane does require an account with Octane to get a license as it's a third party renderer. But while you are there you can get the free Octane plugin for Blender as well You don't actually need Octane for rendering as there is already the default renderer still in there (as well as the preview renderer and mpath which was a renderer supposed to replace the default and then abandoned).
I would go to here: and look at the getting started section while it's still there (although I did download everything in case it all vanishes )
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They must feel terrible about being abandoned.
Any an all misspellings are henceforth blamed on the cats.
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...which are collected node setups...
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