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So yeah i've just started Neverending Nightmares, which is very unnerving! I've actually got a few games on the go as i get stuck and jump to the next game when it gets tough, I have no staying power
i'm also playing Kings Quest, replaying Monkey Island, Soma, Her Story and Zelda on the Wii U.
many games, i'm hoping VR will make a big impact this year too.
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Last game I think I bought was Alien: Isolation.
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Before Tribez it was Townsmen. Similar idea (build things, keep 'em happy). Both games are for mobiles and pads/tablets but I've installed them on my computer because I don't like playing on my phone...
I also still play Guild Wars 2 every now and then, but I'm still hoping the Heart of Thorns extension will be on sale eventually...
Any an all misspellings are henceforth blamed on the cats.
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Scrabble and minesweeper are games, so they count. I haven't played scrabble for many years in any variety, last time was probably on my Amiga, not even a tabletop version.
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I play a fair amount of Heroes of the Storm with my gaming friends too since it makes a good common ground game for all of us to enjoy together and Starcraft when I feel like beating my head against a wall with my husband
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That Neverwinter sounds interesting... *should probably stay away*
I seem to be spending most of my vacation playing games
and speaking of what I was speaking of before, that is, how I was waiting for Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns to be available at a discount - it now is! And I almost missed it! *gasp* (I only saw the ad on a page about the Tribez game lol)
Anyway, Heart of Thorns is 50% off between July 20th and 27th!
I'm off to buy it now!!! wheeee!
Any an all misspellings are henceforth blamed on the cats.
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