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The Trailer Park

08 Mar 2023 12:40 - 08 Mar 2023 12:42 #44750 by Charlotte
Replied by Charlotte on topic The Trailer Park
He does look older now. He's like... our age. Or looks it. I'm surprised to find he was that old back then. Wouldn't that make him like 70 now? :hmm:

Edit: Google says he was 35 back then and is 60 now. 

Any an all misspellings are henceforth blamed on the cats.

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08 Mar 2023 12:54 #44751 by Banj
Replied by Banj on topic The Trailer Park

He's like... our age.

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08 Mar 2023 14:18 - 08 Mar 2023 14:19 #44752 by Charlotte
Replied by Charlotte on topic The Trailer Park
Well, since he's 60 I guess he isn't. :dry:

Edit: Disclaimer: I'm not entirely sure what "our age" is when including Val because I can't remember him ever mentioning his age.... I just assume he's.... our age. :dry: 

Any an all misspellings are henceforth blamed on the cats.

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08 Mar 2023 17:19 #44755 by Charlotte
Replied by Charlotte on topic The Trailer Park
I'm still enjoying Mr Midnight but it's also a bit annoying, and the current episode is especially so.

For one thing, it should be obvious to anyone who finds out that ghosts etc exist that they might be dangerous, and that messing with the spirit world/other side might be dangerous. Yet when warned, all they say is "I need to practice" and the warning party goes, well, ok then. So they practice by literally glancing for 2 seconds in a book and then performing signs/motions as well as repeating spells that apparently are very easy to learn...

And now they're telling people to come to the graveyard to stop the bull dozers because they've been told the graveyard MIGHT be dug up. They haven't seen the bull dozers yet, they have no confirmation. Or at least I as a viewer have absolutely no confirmation that they're not going off on rumours. And it bugs me. :stare:

Any an all misspellings are henceforth blamed on the cats.

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10 Mar 2023 21:04 #44781 by Charlotte
Replied by Charlotte on topic The Trailer Park
Today I have finished season 1 of Mr Midnight. Like I had seen while googling the number of episodes it did indeed end with a "cliff hanger" but if they never make a season 2 it could just as well be seen as the cliché ending of every horror movie ever - evil has not been conquered...

And since Netflix counts weeks completely differently from everyone else (or, rather, I suspect they always count the next seven days as "this week") there's still a bit of waiting time for Shadow & Bone season 2. It's to arrive "this week, on Thursday". Which of course was yesterday, to normal people. So instead I watched the two first episodes of Lidia Poët (La Legga di Lidia Poët or the Law according to LP). It's in Italian but luckily subtitles exist. :aha: If you don't know it, it's based on real events, though I don't know to what degree. Lidia and her brother have both studied law, they both became lawyers and then she was disbarred or whatsit because "women were better suited to other things such as family matters" and "they would bring embarrassment to the profession by wearing silly fashions". Or something like that, anyhow. Basically, because she's a woman. So, she starts working as her brother's assistant. Sort of.

It's women's rights, murder mysteries and historical drama all wrapped into one. And quite good. (There's also a good bit of nudity in there. Apparently we can't have a series without it, these days. Not that I care much, I just wish it wasn't always thrown in "just because"... And it seems kind of ironic to me that a series where women's rights are a vital part also uses that struggle as an excuse to subject the actresses of the show to what is basically the misogynistic expectations of today...)

Any an all misspellings are henceforth blamed on the cats.

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10 Mar 2023 21:31 #44782 by Valence
Replied by Valence on topic The Trailer Park
I've just put that on my list. :)
I was gonna start it after finishing The Defeated. That one isn't quite what I expected but it's OK and doesn't have too many episodes so it's easy to keep going to the end.

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12 Mar 2023 00:42 #44798 by Valence
Replied by Valence on topic The Trailer Park
Enola Holmes 2 is being watched.
(Autocorrect keeps changing that to Ebola. :S)

Oh, I'd forgotten about that jokey voiceover. :eyeroll:

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12 Mar 2023 04:17 #44799 by Digital Dave
Replied by Digital Dave on topic The Trailer Park
I'm still waiting on a few shows additional seasons to arrive. Shadow & Bone season 2 being one of them. ... But there are about 4 or 5 others. One was Warrior Nun, but I think I've heard Netflix canceled it? Have to see. But will be checking out Shadow & Bone. (I usually rewatch the first one, before starting the next.)

I'm also planning to watch the last three episodes of "The Last of Us". I realized the last one will be tomorrow, so will watch the last three back to back as soon as I have time.

I get sketchy around pencils! ...=D

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12 Mar 2023 09:41 - 12 Mar 2023 09:42 #44800 by Charlotte
Replied by Charlotte on topic The Trailer Park
Didn't the "new" season of Warrior Nun arrive quite a while back? Though not so far back that I'd expect season 3 anytime soon...

I'm not sure how many episodes there are of Lidia Poët but hopefully it'll last until Shadow & Bone arrive Thursday...

and.... Ebola Holmes... :giggle: 

Any an all misspellings are henceforth blamed on the cats.

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12 Mar 2023 10:29 #44801 by Valence
Replied by Valence on topic The Trailer Park
Warrior Nun has indeed been axed. :confident:

I haven't watched it yet but it has been on my "maybe" list for a while.

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